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Linköpings Stadsfest

Publiken under RIX FM Festival på Borggården under Linköpings Stasfest 2018.Publiken under RIX FM Festival på Borggården under Linköpings Stasfest 2018.

The end of August, just after the schools have reopened and people are settling back into the routine after the holidays, Linköping offers some of the best days of the summer.

The streets and squares of the city teem with activities for children, young people and adults. Exhilarating sport competitions, have-a-go activities, food markets, stalls with fun activities and of course loads of music.

Linköpings Stadsfest is the biggest event in Linköping, attracting peple visitors from all of Östergötland every year. This year Linköpings Stadsfest will be held on the 21-24 August. Together, almost one hundred contributors will create a week where we want there to be something for everyone. All the concerts and almost all of the other activities are free.
See you there!